Wander Montesso, AdPoly’s CEO, carried out some Analysis of the trends in the Brazilian and global petrochemical market and concludes that there are important elements that had to be considered to support the decision to start the company’s internationalization, especially in the midst of a pandemic.
By increasing the share of imported raw material in the Brazilian market (35% PE and 23% PP), we believe in making the Brazilian plastic transformer aware of placing the imported material definitively in its purchasing portfolio.
In the global panorama of petrochemical operations, the production in the Gulf of Mexico is still compromised, and the bigger American companies have not yet resumed normal operations. They are expected to return between the end of March and the beginning of April 2021.
On top of this scenario, prices in April should continue rising until production returns to normal levels and inventory replenishment occurs.
ADPOLY – http://adpolygroup.com
Opencap Global – https://www.opencapg.com